Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Molly, The Wonder Dog

Molly, a Black Lab, was thought to have drowned on Memorial Day in a boating accident that took the life of her owner, Doug Harmon, and one other man. She was last seen swimming toward shore on Chamberlain Lake on Memorial Day.

On Saturday, she showed up a a Millinocket home and was recognized as the missing Lab. She was reunited with the family (Jared, Timothy and Ashley) on Monday.

Molly covered more than 200 miles of the most rugged territory in Maine and State Conservation Commissioner Patrick McGowan said he estimated her chances of survival at about one in a million due to the terrain, the black flies (when we tell you they're bad, we're not kidding) and coyotes.

Al Cowperthwaite, Director of North Maine Woods compiled a timeline of Molly's travels, which was reprinted in the Bangor Daily News Article:

  • June 4: Don Darkis, a North Maine Woods employee working at Caucomgomoc Dam, tries to entice Molly into his truck.
  • June 6: Molly is spotted at Wadleigh Pond, which is only about 20 miles from the Quebec border.
  • In an effort to notify all visitors to be on the lookout for Molly, posters are placed at North Maine Woods checkpoints, offering a $200 reward for the return of Molly, "a black Lab with a distinguishing red collar and one torn ear."
  • June 10: Camper reports seeing Molly at Cliff Lake, located east of Churchill Dam and the Allagash River.
  • June 12: Fishermen report seeing Molly near Scraggly Lake, about 30 miles northwest of Patten.
  • June 15: Molly arrives at the home of Alain and Bernadette Sirois on Iron Bridge Road in Millinocket. The Siroises have two male dogs, and Molly comes into the yard, then into the house, where she gobbles down everything the family puts down in front of her. Believing that Molly belongs to a local family, the Siroises post "found dog" signs around Millinocket.
  • June 18: Telos receptionist Anita Moscone visits Millinocket florist shop, sees flier about the found dog and puts two and two together. Moscone calls the number on the poster and tells the Sirois family Molly’s story. She then contacts North Maine Woods, which in turn calls Tourtelotte, a black Lab owner herself, who has been working diligently to find Molly to return to the three children waiting in Scarborough.


Margaret Porter said...

Thanks for sharing Molly's wondrous tale. I'm so thankful she has been restored to her loving family--who have suffered such an unimaginable loss.

Unknown said...

What an incredible and happy ending! I've been lost once at night in the woods south of Millinocket for perhaps 4-5 hours while fishing and cannot imagine surviving 2 weeks and 200 miles. Your title Molly the Wonder Dog would make a great movie.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to hear that she was home. In a world where every day you hear of something happening then the day before, this type of story is a welcome reprieve.

Anonymous said...

Edit: "In a world where every day you hear of something WORSE happening then the day before, this type of story is a welcome reprieve."

Anonymous said...

What an amazing story. This quote made me all teary: "Obviously, we could never bring back their father, but bringing their dog back was something we could do," [Patrick] McGowan said.

mainelife said...

Glad y'all liked it. Emma--I knew this one would get to you.
I was teary the entire time I wrote the post and I hugged Mac the Dog extra long today.