Our Lives Are Going to Change
So. The boss dropped the bomb that I've been waiting for. By October, I'm to be relocated back to Cincinnati. In the interim, I'm to be here as much as possible.
There is a job change (within my same company) involved and it's a wonderful opportunity--the kind of new challenge that five or six years ago seemed like the most important thing in the world, but now matters not at all. I do not want to move back to the Nasti for any reason, and certainly not for a job. Cincinnati is home to Mean Jean Schmidt, Skyline Chili, SUVs, men in short-sleeved polyester shirts with pocket protectors and women with overly dyed, very poofy blonde hair. I don't call it the Nasti for nothin'.
Even if the relocation were to a desirable location, we already live in a wonderful place and I don't want to leave my friends, my tennis, my beach or my home.
Retired Guy--the one who's been sitting on the couch reading seven sports pages a day and watching Lifetime for Women since Thanksgiving says "Get your resume done fast. Do not stick your head in the sand and ignore this and then end up with no options. Find another job here."
There are many things I wanted to say to that, none of which I'll share with you dear reader, but I'm sure that you can take a WAG (Wild-Assed Guess) at one or two of them.......
Man, how can companies just treat employees like a chess piece to move anywhere they please. Sue, sel your house, uproot your life, move somehwere you never wanted to live just for the privilidge of staying with us.
Honey...tim to kick em to the curb.
Welcome back to the Buckeye State!!!!
I'm getting ready to move to Maine and you are going to leave? This makes me sad.
Ah changes. In the short term they rarely are good, but surprisingly, in the long run, they are almost always for the good. Good luck in figuring out what is best for Melissa.
I didn't really know you before you moved to Maine, but it's impossible to miss the joy you take in living there and the happiness and contentment it brings you. Your roots are in Ohio, but you sound like you're completely at home when you write about your life in Maine. That's no small thing. Best wishes as you weigh your options.
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